Monday, April 6, 2009

Earliest Possible Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is defined as ‘the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus’. Let us see some of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy among women.

Missing the period is the most common sign and indication of pregnancy. However a variety of other reasons such as stress, illness, and weight fluctuations etc also can cause the late or missed periods. Missing periods normally can also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which periods can occur months apart. Hence one has to observe rather examine the other symptoms to confirm the pregnancy. Another important symptom of pregnancy is the change in the size and feel of the breast immediately after the conception. Breasts begin to enlarge to get ready for breast feeding and women claim that the breasts become sensitive and they experience a very sharp and twinkling sensation.
Another most common symptom of pregnancy is nausea and vomiting normally seen among women. This is also known as morning sickness. A feeling of sickness is also being experienced by most women from the fifth and sixth week of the pregnancy. The morning sickness can start as early as 2 weeks of pregnancy.. The degree of nausea and vomiting differs from person to person. Mostly this symptom may disappear after period of 3 to 4 months. Most of the pregnant woman experience tiredness and fatigue.

Frequent urination is also a common feature among pregnant women within 2-3 weeks after consumption due to the reduction in the size of the bladder . Drastic change in the taste and smell is also another factor resulting in craving for certain foods and start hating certain other types of food. All the above symptoms though normally confirm the pregnancy a clinical cal test is the ultimate proof.

One can confirm pregnancy by conducting the small home pregnancy test by detecting the level of HCG in the urine and if the result is positive one may need to make an appointment with family doctor to confirm the pregnancy and to start the follow up. Like the home pregnancy test the office urine test also confirms pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in the urine.

Similarly a blood test can also be made that may give a positive or negative results normally conducted when there are apprehensions of miscarriage or unusual pregnancy. After a period 0f 4 to 6 weeks the obstetrician can confirm the pregnancy by a physical examination. The thickening of the vaginal tissues and softening uterus confirms the pregnancy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Calculate Due Dates Pregnancy

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Cant wait for your baby? Counting the days and marking the calendars until he or she arrives? Well, there is a better way in that. It’s true! You really can calculate due dates pregnancy. With the advance of medical technology nowadays, you can exactly know, when your expected baby will arrive. Here are the ways on how you can calculate your pregnancy due date.

* Due Date Calculator

What if you don't know when your last period was? Then your doctor or midwife will use an early ultrasound, the earlier the more accurate, to determine your due date.

* Ultrasounds - Pregnancy Week by Week

Sometimes a due date is given to you based on your last period, but it turns out to be wrong because of some fluke, like implantation bleeding. Having an accurate due date is important because it can help prevent misleading prenatal test results including prematurity.
If you like to watch your baby grow based on how far along you are in gestation, here are some great places to start:

* 9 Months
* Pregnancy Ovulation Calendar
* Pregnancy Belly Gallery and More

Your due date is not set in stone. Some practitioners have said that rather than give women speicific days that we think their babies will be born, we should give them monthly time frames, like "You're due near the end of February or the month of May." This is to keep the stress levels from rising as the due date draws near, and even more oddly - passes. Marking a calendar doesn't mean your baby can read it! The first thing to do is to realize that it was a guess to begin with, most babies are born within two weeks of their due date, in either direction.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take An Online Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test, as the name implies, is simply a test used to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. Often used early in the form of a home pregnancy test, this process is helpful in making an early determination. An unborn child will require medical care even before they arrive and an early diagnosis is important so that the mom-to-be can learn the best types of food to consume, begin pregnancy classes and prepare for the family’s new addition. So, to take an online pregnancy test or in real time, is vital for your baby.

When people still do not have the capacity to take an online pregnancy test, the most popular type of pregnancy test, which is used for early detection, is a home pregnancy test. These can be found at most major retail and/or drug stores and can provide quick results. Because these are amateur tests, meaning they are not performed by a licensed medical doctor, there is always the possibility of a false reading. If the directions are followed correctly, however, the accuracy rate is quite respectable. Before seeing a doctor, many women want to have an idea as to whether or not they are pregnant, which is why an at home pregnancy test is very popular.

Depending on the results of a home pregnancy test, a woman may still wish to consult a physician to ensure certainty. During the visit, a physician will relay the determination of pregnancy or the absence thereof and, if necessary, will provide additional information for expectant moms.

It can be difficult to realize the symptoms of pregnancy for first-time moms-to-be, which is why it is important to learn about the possible signs of an early pregnancy. Among them, an increased sensitivity to certain foods and/or smells, recurring morning sickness, fatigue, exhaustion and mood swings. It is important to have a pregnancy test following the onset of any or all of these symptoms because a positive result means that a new change in lifestyle may be in order. Pregnant women will likely be instructed to avoid air travel, smoking or being near secondhand smoke and the consumption of alcohol. Any and all of these can be harmful to a child and should therefore be avoided. It is very important that pregnant women speak with their doctor about the best ways to ensure the development of a healthy child.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

First Month Pregnancy Symptoms

There are no two pregnancies that are alike so, while it is difficult to say exactly how each will progress; there are certain factors that are common among all women going through pregnancy. Quite often, first month pregnancy symptoms will appear and prompt the soon-to-be mom to purchase a home pregnancy test.

These can be found at virtually every retail and/or grocery store. It is important to remember that pregnancy tests, while designed to be accurate, are sometimes wrong. Regardless of the result, it is recommended that women experiencing pregnancy symptoms should schedule an appointment with a health care professional who will accurately test for pregnancy.

Among the pregnancy symptoms that most women experience are heightened sensitivity to certain smells and/or food, exhaustion, recurring morning sickness and mood swings. During the entire pregnancy, it is very important that the woman participate in a healthy lifestyle. Among other things, this would include not smoking or being near secondhand smoke, avoid drinking alcohol, etc. In addition, the mom-to-be should drink plenty of milk and eat healthy foods. This will help to promote good development for the child and will be a healthy start for him/her.

During the nine months of pregnancy, women will go through a lot of changes - both physically and mentally. Mood swings will become more intense and there may be frequent trips to the bathroom as the pregnancy progresses and the growing child begins to press more heavily on the bladder. After the baby is born, the woman will likely have a desire to lose her pregnancy weight. Immediately following birth, it may be a good idea to rest before starting on any exercise program. It is really on the first month pregnancy symptoms that pregnancy is really hard, so if you learn to handle this, then you can handle everything for your baby.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Are you expecting your first baby?! Well then congratulations! As the soon to be mom, you need to know the things that you could experience while you are carrying your baby. Here are some early signs of pregnancy.

The toughest bit of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness and any woman who has gone through or is going through it, knows the first signs usually develop during the month following the first missed menstrual period, when hormone levels increase. It may range from mild, occasional nausea to sever, continuous, debilitating nausea with bouts of vomiting. In most cases, symptoms may be worse in morning, albeit they can strike day or night.

Despite all advances in medicine, there is no way of predicting how long your morning sickness will last even if you have suffered it before. Generally, nausea and vomiting last till about 12 - 13 weeks of pregnancy. However, some women continue to feel ill beyond their 22nd week as well.

However, some studies show that mild to moderate sickness is a sign of a good pregnancy, and less risk of miscarriage.

There is no simple treatment. The best course of action is home treatment. The following tips work wonders not only when you wake up feeling nauseous but also work when you get that queasy feeling during the day.

Changing what, when and how much you eat coupled with certain changes to the way foods cooked helps.

During morning or for that matter all day sickness, you may find that eating five or six small meals, rather than the usual three large ones, is easier on the body. Make sure each meal contains some protein and carbohydrate, like whole wheat bread with grated cheese and a slice of tomato, rice or wheat preparation with some easily digestible / light cereals, orange juice and a whole wheat biscuit. Be creative; choose low fat health foods you know will tempt your appetite. Aversions to food because of nausea are perfectly normal and understandable.

However, if you have severe, persistent nausea and vomiting, see your doctor. This not so common complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, sometimes calling for prescribed medication and in some cases even hospitalization. Although drugs are best avoided in pregnancy, especially in the early signs of pregnancy , there are some that have been in use for many years with no apparent danger to the developing baby.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Early Pregnancy Symptoms - What Should You Do?

Do you already have early pregnancy symptoms and want your maternity to be shorter and safer? Then read this "How To Induce Labor And Have An Easier, Safer And Shorter Birth"

Are you already experiencing early pregnancy symptoms? If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, you probably know that it is important for you to get plenty of folic acid. Folic acid helps to reduce brain and spinal defects in your baby, especially in early pregnancy. What you may not know is how important it is to take multivitamins, as well.

A study, recently published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, noted the importance of taking multivitamins if trying to conceive or newly pregnant. Their research concluded that women who take multivitamins in early signs of pregnancy reduced their child’s risk of developing certain brain tumors.

Interestingly, taking a multivitamin during the later stages of pregnancy did not significantly reduce the infant’s risk of developing brain tumors. Women should take multivitamins in the earliest possible signs of pregnancy . This makes it all too clear that if you are trying to get pregnant, you should begin taking your multivitamins right away. Then continue with the approval of your physician at least through the early stages of your pregnancy.

Women are strongly urged to choose a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid. Reproductive women should eat healthy foods with plenty of vitamins and folic acid.

When choosing your vitamin, check its vitamin A content. Never take more than 770 micrograms of Vitamin A. Too much can cause birth defects in babies.

You should also look on the label for the letters USP. This means the vitamin has been evaluated and meets certain criteria by the U.S. Pharmacopeia Organization. Vitamins with a USP stamp have certain standardized levels of purity, safety, quality and content.

So good luck if you are trying to conceive, and take that multivitamin for both you and your baby! How early can pregnancy be detected is very important. If you already know you are pregnant, you can definitely take action into taking care of yourself and your soon to be baby.